Throughout the course, hands-on exercises (both classroom & Lab Assignment) are designed to teach the concepts of Python programming language.
Course Objective:
Python can be easy to pick up whether you’re a first time programmer of you’re experienced with other languages. After the completion of Python Certification Course, you should be able to:
- Master the Basic and Advanced Concepts of Python
- Uses an elegant syntax, making the programs you write easier to read.
- Is an easy-to-use language that makes it simple to get your program working. This makes Python ideal for prototype development and other ad-hoc programming tasks, without compromising maintainability.
- Comes with a large standard library that supports many common programming tasks such as connecting to web servers, searching text with regular expressions, reading and modifying files.
- Understand Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows, Python Editors and IDEs
- Master the Concepts of Sequences and File operations
- Learn how to use and create functions, sorting different elements, Lambda function, error handling techniques and Regular expressions.
- Analyzing, cleaning , modelling data and organizing the result of the analysis into a form which suitable for plotting and tabular display.
Intended Audience:
- B.Tech/MCA/BCA/M.Tech Students
- Working Professionals from Corporate
- No experience is required. But fundamental knowledge of C/C++ and statistics would be helpful.
Delivery Mode:
- Online Live Instructor led learning.
Course Duration: 40 Hrs.
Time slot : 7PM to 8PM weekdays , Saturday and Sunday – 6PM to 8 PM
Module 1 : Introduction to Python
- Introductory Remark about Python
- A Brief History of Python
- How Python is different from other languages
- Python Version
- Installing Python
- Getting Help
- How To execute Python program
- Writing your first program
Module 2 : Python Fundamental
- Python coding Introduction
- Python keywords and Identifiers
- Python statements
- Comments in python
- Getting user input
- Variables
- Data types
- Numbers
- Strings
Module 3 : Arrays
- Lists, Tuples, Dictionary & Exercise
Module 4 : Control flow and Operators
- Control flow and syntax
- The if statement
- Python operators
Module 5 : Loop in Python
- The while Loop
- Break and continue
- The for Loop
- Pass statement
Module 6 : Function in Python
- Introduction of Function
- Calling a function
- Function arguments
- Built in function
- Scope of variables
Module 7 : Modules and Package
- Modules and Packages
- Importing Modules
- Standard Modules- sys
- Standard Modules- OS
- The dir Function
- Packages
Module 8 : File Handling
- Introduction to File Handling in Python
- Files and Directories
- Writing Data to a file
- Reading data from a file
- Additional file methods
- Working with files
- Working with Directories
- The pickle Module
Module 9 : Object oriented Concept
- Classes & Objects
- Introduction of classes and objects
- Creating classes
- Instance methods
- Special class method
Module 10 : Inheritance
- Inheritance
- Method overriding
- Data hiding
Instructor Profile
Instructor’s Name : Kuldeep Gosain

About :-
Introducing an upcoming short course at IIT, K, led by Kuldeep G, a seasoned instructor with over 14 years of experience. Having trained over 200 batches across prestigious institutions, mentored 1500+ faculties, and conducted induction sessions for top IT firms, Kuldeep brings a wealth of expertise. Join us for an enlightening journey where learning meets innovation with Kuldeep Gosain.