Full-Stack Web Development Career Path: Skills, Certifications, And Opportunities In The Web Development Industry

As this is the digital era, the majority of businesses prioritize online presence through their websites, enhancing the growth of the web development industry. Due to the rising popularity of web development, there is a high demand for professionals who completed full-stack web development courses. 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is revealed that there will be an estimated 853,000 jobs related to full-stack development by 2024. Wondering what is the scope of career growth in full-stack web development? What skills and certifications are needed for steady growth in the full-stack development industry? Read on to know more about full-stack web development.

Introduction To Full-Stack Web Development

Full stack web development is a computer system application procedure that covers two domains of web development, which are front-end and back-end. The full-stack web development professional should be fully aware of how a web application is made from end-to-end. 

Front-end development is all about creating different web elements that users can notice or interact with, primarily the appearance of the website. Meanwhile, back-end development is all about creating different web elements that users can neither see nor interact with, primarily the structure of the website, data, etc.

What Skills Are Essential For Full-Stack Web Development Career

In order to become a full-stack web development professional, it is vital to have a broad set of technical and non-technical skills, which include:

Programming Languages  

It is vital for full-stack web development professionals to be highly familiar with JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Also, they must know how to use various front-end frameworks, including but not limited to Angular, Vue.js, and more. 

Full-stack web developers should be experts in various back-end languages, such as Python, Ruby, Java, etc. In addition, they should be familiar with various databases, like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Neo4j, MongoDB, etc.

Web Architecture 

As full-stack web development professionals are the core of software development, they need to be familiar with web architecture. They should excel in code structuring, organizing files, structuring data, and many more.

Design Skills 

Full-stack web development professionals also handle front-end development, so having UI/UX designing skills is important. They should have experience in using design skills for developing prototypes and design mockups.

Soft Skills 

Full-stack web development professionals should excel in soft skills as well. Soft skills like collaboration and communication are vital when working with a team. Also, problem-solving and critical thinking skills are needed to quickly solve web development errors.

Full-Stack Web Development: Eligibility Criteria And Salary

Wondering if there are any eligibility requirements to become a full-stack web development professional? To get into the full-stack web development field, one should have a four-year graduate degree, preferably related to computer science, IT, engineering, etc. Also, the candidates should have excellent command of various programming languages, including but not limited to CSS, Python, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SQL, HTML, Java, jQuery, Git, etc. 

The salary of a full-stack web development professional varies greatly depending on the company, the skills and experience of the professionals, demand, etc. Here is a brief overview of the average annual salary of a full-stack web development professional in different countries.


Full-Stack Web Development Professional Salary 


INR 7,93,500

United States of America 

USD 86,850

United Kingdom 

GBP 52,380


AUD 1,03,000


CAD 81,006

Best Full-Stack Web Development Certifications

There are plenty of free and paid full-stack web development courses available, including self-paced courses, online live courses, summer training programs, advanced certificate courses, professional certificate courses, etc.  

E&ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur’s Full Stack Development with PHP & MySQL course is one of the best certifications that helps people gain knowledge of scripting and full-stack development concepts. It is a 12-hour, self-paced course that helps professionals get high-paying jobs in the full-stack development field.

Top Career Opportunities After Completing Full-Stack Web Development Courses

After completing full-stack web development courses, professionals can easily gain various employment opportunities. Some of the popular career roles that are associated with full-stack web development are listed below.

Full Stack Engineer 

The full-stack engineers will design and create prototypes of solutions with the help of different web tools and the latest technologies. They are responsible for developing applications and software and also act as a leader of coding teams.

Full-Stack Developer 

It is the responsibility of the full-stack to handle the whole web application development procedure. They will develop everything from the front-end user interface to the back-end server logic.

Front-end Developer 

The front-end developers handle the front end of websites and are responsible for the appearance of the website. They use various libraries and frameworks, like Angular, React JS, and many more.

Back-end Developer 

The back-end developers are responsible for developing and maintaining the server-side mechanisms. They also write code unit tests and utilize various programming languages such as Python, Java, PHP, and many more.

Web Developer 

With the help of client-server models, web developers create web applications. They are responsible for designing websites by utilizing various programming languages and the latest web development tools.

Software Engineer 

Software engineers are responsible for designing and producing various full-stack features. They also create, test, modify, and maintain computer software.

Network Architect 

Network architects handle the computer communication networks and are responsible for designing networks, checking the data traffic, hardware upgradation, and many more.

Computer Programmer 

Another popular career choice is computer programmer, whose primary responsibility includes writing application codes, handling errors in systems, etc. Computer programmers often need to work together with web developers and software engineers.

Bottom Line

Completing a full-stack web development course increases the employment and career growth opportunities of professionals. The career path of full-stack web development professionals is relatively steady and high in demand. 

The full-stack web development courses make it relatively easy for people to learn about full-stack web development concepts and required skills. Thus, with a full-stack web development certification, people can easily get high-paying jobs and work in different career roles.

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