Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud: Understanding the Different Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud applications have completely transformed the way we store, retrieve, and process critical data, delivering greater scalability, flexible functionality, and more cost-efficient solutions. Over the past decade alone, cloud applications have experienced incredible growth in response to the burgeoning demand for such solutions. In 2023, this market is projected to be valued at $153.6 billion – a significant increase from just $30.4 billion in 2013. The exponential growth rate achieved by cloud-based technologies has resulted in a historic milestone: surpassing $ 100 billion in 2018. It highlights the industry’s rapid expansion and adoption rates. Experts predict that by 2025 this already invaluable technology sector will reach staggering worths of approximately $168.6 billion. These statistics show the future scope of cloud computing and leveraging exceptional benefits requires in-depth knowledge of different types of cloud deployment environments: public, private, and hybrid models, each with unique advantages for businesses when making strategic decisions in today’s ever-connected world.

Know The Different Cloud Deployment Models: Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud

In this section, understand the difference between the three cloud deployment models. These are the Public, Private and Hybrid cloud models.

Public Cloud

Cloud computing has become­ increasingly popular over the ye­ars, with Public Cloud being one of its most prominent mode­ls. Third-party providers run this service, owning and ope­rating infrastructure and services that are­ available to the public through the inte­rnet. Examples of resource­s offered include se­rvers, storage, and applications which consumers pay for by usage­.  According to recent  projections by Gartne­r , end-users spending on Public Cloud se­rvices is expecte­d to reach almost $600 billion by 2023. With a significant increase of 20.7% from 2022’s sale­s of $490.3 billion, this number excee­ds previously forecasted growth rate­s for that year at 18.8%. Notable example­s of reputable Public Cloud providers include­ Amazon Web Services, Google­ Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Key Advantages
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing: One of the biggest advantages of using public cloud services is cost efficiency. With pay-as-you-go pricing models, users only pay for their resources, making it more cost-effective than maintaining physical servers and infrastructure. 
  • Automatic Software Updates: Automatic software update­s are another bene­fit of public clouds. They can update software automatically, which e­liminates the nee­d for manual updates. 
  • Great Accessibility: Public clouds offer use­rs one of their most significant bene­fits: easy accessibility from anywhere­ worldwide with an internet conne­ction. With this feature, user’s e­xperience he­ightened flexibility and conve­nience when acce­ssing resources and applications.
  • Security Risks: Security risks are­ a major concern for any organization; among them, data breache­s and cyber-attacks are common. These­ threats can jeopardize confide­ntial or sensitive information, leading to se­vere conseque­nces. Additionally, limited control over infrastructure­ and resources used to run applications can make­ it challenging to customize the e­nvironment according to specific nee­ds.
  • Downtime: Public cloud providers can e­xperience downtime­ due to hardware failures or software­ issues. During these pe­riods, critical applications and data may become temporarily inacce­ssible, causing disruptions in business operations.
  • Regulatory Compliance: When conside­ring public cloud services, businesse­s should keep in mind that regulatory compliance­ requirements may diffe­r. It’s crucial to ensure that their adhe­rence aligns with any particular framework for data privacy and se­curity to avoid potential legal complications.


Private Cloud

Private cloud services offer organizations an entire cloud infrastructure dedicated solely to their operations, unlike public clouds, where resources are shared. This provides added control over access, security, and customization options for organizations that handle sensitive data and must adhere to regulatory requirements.  The usage of private cloud services is rising, with revenue projected to grow nearly 30% by 2029, reaching $528.36 billion. 84% of companies have at least one private cloud environment in operation. On average, these organizations run 32% of their workloads in private clouds. Currently, Microsoft Azure Stack (58%), VMware vSphere/vCenter (54%), and AWS Outposts (52%) are the most commonly used or experimented with private cloud services available. The telecommunications sector overwhelmingly utilizes private cloud infrastructure—64% use it for their applications—making it the only sector where private cloud usage outstrips public cloud use. Key Advantages 
  • Security: Regarding security, private clouds offer a superior level of protection. Organizations are given complete control over the cloud service, meaning they can tailor their servers to manage their security measures effectively. 
  • Custombilitiy: Private clouds allow businesses to customize their infrastructure and services to meet their needs. 
  • Privacy: With added control comes increased privacy as organizations have more say over who gains access to data and resources. 
  • High Cost: Implementing a private cloud can be costly for any organization or business, as it requires the acquisition and maintenance of dedicated hardware, software and networking infrastructure. This financial investment may present considerable challenges for smaller businesses with limited budgets. 
  • Less Scalable: The specific organizational design makes private cloud services less scalable than their public counterparts. As demand fluctuates over time, adding or removing resources quickly may become challenging. 
  • Require Technical Expertise: managing a private cloud requires expert technical knowledge, which can be difficult for organizations without sufficient in-house IT expertise.

Hybrid Cloud

Combining the best of both worlds, the hybrid cloud provides organizations the scalability, flexibility and cost-effectiveness that results from using both public and private cloud environments. With its ability to manage traffic levels during peak usage, the hybrid cloud is quickly becoming a popular choice for businesses adopting digital transformation strategies. Top hybrid cloud providers like DataCore, IBM, Software, Threat Stack, Rackspace, and Infinidat are leading examples of hybrid cloud. The data speaks for itself – companies that use multiple public clouds and more than one private cloud are taking advantage of all the hybrid cloud offers. For those organizations generating over  $500 million in revenue annually, there is no better approach than a solid hybrid cloud strategy. IT leaders understand this, too; 7/10 believe realizing their full digital potential is difficult without such a plan. The benefits are clear – adopting a hybrid cloud approach generates 2.5 times greater business value than a single-cloud platform approach. Advantages 
  • Flexible: It provides flexibility by storing data, including sensitive information, in a private cloud server while utilizing the adaptable nature of public servers. 
  • Scalable: It enables scalability by moving workloads effortlessly between private and public clouds based on fluctuating needs. 
  • Security: Security is paramount in the hybrid cloud as it provides top-level control over highly sensitive data while simultaneously taking advantage of cost savings afforded by the public cloud.
  • Complex Model: Deploying and managing hybrid clouds are both complex operations. Integration across multiple cloud environments takes specialized technical expertise and dedicated resources.
  • Integration Challenges: Integrating diverse cloud platforms can create a range of challenges, especially in ensuring compatibility among applications and services.


Businesses need to comprehend the distinctions between public, private, and hybrid cloud deployment models. Public clouds provide cost-effectiveness and ease of accessibility but can pose security risks. Private clouds allow for increased control and security but can be more costly and less scalable. Hybrid clouds offer both advantages, delivering flexibility and security while necessitating specialized expertise to manage them effectively. Businesses must evaluate their needs to determine which cloud model suits their operations best.

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